What Are Some Breast Cancer Early Symptoms?
When you think you may have breast cancer you may experience problems that will let you know. Here are some of the breast cancer early symptoms that may come up to watch for. If you have any of them please set up that appointment with your doctor and get in.
It’s always a better idea to go in and find out that your okay than to let it go. Self examinations are a big part of what you need to do to make sure that you don’t find any lumps. These breast lumps if you do find them could be a sign of breast cancer.
So as soon as you find that lump you should be calling and setting up an appointment. You may experience some nipple retraction too. This is when you will need to also call and set up an appointment to see the doctor.
You may also experience some swelling under the arm in the armpit area for an early symptom. You lumps if you’ve noticed them are normally not going to cause you any pain or possible be tender in any way.
Noticing that part of your breast seems to be indenting or even flattening could be because there is a tumor. This may not be able to be felt though by you so get it checked out by your doctor.
Look for any change that has occurred in your breast including the texture, size or even contour. You may see a reddish tint to the skin or possibly even the temperature of your breast may chance.
Finally look for changes in the nipple that include discharge. It may be clear or another color even. Or a part of your breast or near it that seem different than other parts of your body. Look for all of these symptoms and keep an eye out for changes to catch that breast cancer early.
For more great information on the symptoms of breast cancer and early symptoms of breast cancer early symptoms just click on one of the links and you will discover what you need to know.
By Beth Hoover
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