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You are here : 3-RX.com > Drugs & Medications > Detailed Drug Information (USP DI) > Heparin

Heparin (Systemic)

Brand Names : Calciparine, Liquaemin, Calcilean, Hepalean, Heparin Leo

Description and Brand Names | Before Using | Proper Use | Precautions | Side Effects

  • Anticoagulant

Heparin (HEP-a-rin) is an anticoagulant. It is used to decrease the clotting ability of the blood and help prevent harmful clots from forming in the blood vessels. This medicine is sometimes called a blood thinner, although it does not actually thin the blood. Heparin will not dissolve blood clots that have already formed, but it may prevent the clots from becoming larger and causing more serious problems.

Heparin is often used as a treatment for certain blood vessel, heart, and lung conditions. Heparin is also used to prevent blood clotting during open-heart surgery, bypass surgery, and dialysis. It is also used in low doses to prevent the formation of blood clots in certain patients, especially those who must have certain types of surgery or who must remain in bed for a long time.

Heparin is available only with your doctor's prescription, in the following dosage form:

  • Injection (U.S. and Canada)

Brand Names

Some commonly used brand names are:

In the U.S. -

  • Calciparine
  • Liquaemin

In Canada -

  • Calcilean
  • Calciparine
  • Hepalean
  • Heparin Leo

Generic name product may be available in the U.S. and Canada.


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Heparin: Before Using

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