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You are here : 3-RX.com > Drugs & Medications > Detailed Drug Information (USP DI) > Pegfilgrastim

Pegfilgrastim (Systemic)

Brand Names : Neulasta

Description and Brand Names | Before Using | Proper Use | Precautions | Side Effects

  • Hematopoietic stimulant or
  • antineutropenic

Pegfilgrastim( peg-FILL-grass-tim) is a substance called a Colony Stimulating Factor. These substances, are synthetic (man-made) versions of substances naturally produced in your body which help the bone marrow to make new white blood cells.

Certain medicines affect those white blood cells in your body that fight infection. To help prevent infections when these medicines are used, colony stimulating factors may be given.

This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription, in the following dosage form:

  • Injection (U.S.)

Brand Names

Some commonly used brand names are:

In the U.S. -

  • Neulasta

† Not commercially available in Canada.


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Pegfilgrastim: Before Using

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